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What is SEMrush keywords and how to search high volume and low KD semrush keywords
What is SEMrush keywords and how to search high volume and low KD semrush keywords

SEMrush Keywords are those keywords which are picked up by SEMrush for showing traffic and other SEO metrics of website. SEMrush is a well known SEO tool and it is widely used by SEO professionals for finding the trending and potential keywords. SEMrush keywords are not different from other keywords as SEMrush also extracts the keywords that exist on google but the benefit of SEMrush is that its keywords have some value of traffic for a website.

Understanding SEMrush Keywords Basics

SEMrush Keywords are known for these particular factors

Search Volume

Search Volume is the amount of volume that a specific keyword does have on google searches.

Keyword Difficulty

Keyword difficulty is the reflection of competition that a website or page has to face if that website wants to rank with that specific keyword.

Keyword Traffic Cost

This is the number of cost of SEMrush Keyword which a advertiser is willing to pay for each click of a keyword in paid advertising.

Keyword Trends

This is the most beneficial feature of SEMrush, Keyword trend shows the possible trends that a specific keyword is trending in Google Searches or not.

Keyword Result

Keywords Results are the number of results that a specific keyword does have on google. This option is very helpful in finding low competition keywords on SEMrush.

How to Find Low competition and High Volume Keywords on SEMrush?

There are multiple methods of finding low competition and high volume keywords on SEMrush. We will discuss the most effective and useful methods of finding new and low competition on SEMrush.

Domain Overview Method

This is the most useful and widely used method of finding low KD and High Volume Keyword on SEMrush. For this method

  • Login into Your SEMrush Account.
  • Click on the Domain Overview Option from the left list menu.
  • Enter the Target domain URL and click on the Search Button.

What You will see in the next window is a detailed multi-option page, this page will help you in finding detailed features of that website. When you will scroll down a bit more, then you will see a small section of top organic keywords. Then you have to click on the view detail option.

The next window will show the complete details of keywords, their number, number of traffic generated and traffic cost as well. Furthermore, SEMrush will also the intent , position, Traffic, Percentage of traffic that particular keyword is bringing to that site, volume, KD and date of updating. Here when everything of a keyword is front to your eyes then you can easily choose the keywords which are with low KD and more volume from SEMrush.

Keyword Overview method

Keyword overview is also very authentic method of finding low KD and High Volume Keywords for SEMrush.

You can find the Keyword overview option from the menu, and then put the seed keyword of any category you want in the search bar either it is related to tech, business, health or anything. The SEMrush will show you millions of results related to that particular keyword. Then clicking on the details will get you to the Low KD and high Volume Keywords from SEMrush.

Keyword Magic Tool Method

Keyword Magic Tools is the most unique and surprising method of finding low KD, high volume as well as new keywords. As the name indicates this method works like a magic. You can find any keyword which is unique and not common by entering at least any three letters in the search bar of keyword magic tool. This combination can be a combination of any three letters and surprisingly SEMrush will show you the results with new and unique keywords with low KD and high Volume.

Finding Competitors Methods

This method is the branch feature of domain overview method. For this method you have to take one website with good keywords as a reference and then go into the details of that website. SEMrush Shows the competitor sites of every website that you enter in the domain overview search bar. So, in case you find a website with more keywords of Low KD and High Volume then you can easily the more websites that are similar to first website. From similar websites you can find more beneficial keywords.

Using Low KD Filter

This is the most easy and fast method of finding low KD and high-Volume Keywords on SEMrush. You can set the Low KD filter on the keyword list on SEMrush and then this tool will only show the keywords which have low KD. Furthermore, you can also set the filter order from highest to lowest value or lowest to highest value.

Use High Volume Filter

You can also set high volume filter in the filter option of SEMrush. This filter will directly take to you the keywords will high volume. Also, you can set the volume filter from highest to lowest and lowest to highest value.

Focus on Long Tail Keywords

This is the final and most advisable technique for finding low KD and High Volume keywords.. Long tail keywords and majority keywords with low Competition or KD. No matter either they volume is high or low but due to very low KD the chances of ranking at the top with long tail keywords are more possible.

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